Marine Oudard is delighted to participate as a scientific lead in the 41st International Workshop on Urban Design in Île-de-France: Metamorphoses – Reshaping Cities and Territories in the Face of Climate Challenges.
The 2023 session aligns with ongoing discussions on combating soil artificialization (ZAN objective) through the following questions:
– How can we fight against soil artificialization ?
– Can we improve residents’ quality of life by densifying the city, or should we instead avoid hyper-concentration ?
– How can we address current challenges—climate, environmental, social—across territories with various scales and characteristics ?
– How can we accommodate the diversity of living and working patterns ?
– How can we better coexist urban and natural environments ?
Thematic roundtables will be organized throughout the year, and a three-week workshop in September will bring together young professionals from around the world to engage in innovative thinking about territories in Île-de-France.
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