The final presentation and jury debate day of the 41st International Workshop on Urban Design “Metamorphosis – Cities and Territories Facing Climate Challenges” took place on Wednesday, September 20, 2023, at the Ministry of Energy Transition and Territorial Cohesion.

Marine Oudard is delighted to have supported the workshops and participants as a scientific co-pilot (alongside Raphael Besson, an expert in urban socio-economics and a Ph.D. holder in territorial sciences, Laboratory PACTE, University of Grenoble).

The 15 international participants (South Africa, Algeria, Argentina, the United States, France, Greece, India, Japan, Morocco, Mexico, Switzerland) engaged in a reflection on the transformations of territories in the context of Zero Net Artificialization, environmental urgencies, and lifestyle changes, particularly revealed during the COVID pandemic. This multiscale work was carried out with the involvement of elected officials and the teams from the application areas of the workshop, Orly and Goussainville.

Visit the workshop’s page for more details and check the session booklet to explore the proposals arising from this workshop!